A New Frontier: The Luxury Second Hand Market in China

In Re-Hub's first foray into the trends, insights, and analysis of the second hand market in China, we take a look at the development of the sector which is poised to see significant growth and consumer attention in the coming years.

We selected four high end luxury brands(Hermes, Dior, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton) and found the listings associated with bags across different platforms.

In our first report we bring data from ZhiEr (只二), one of the more developed second hand platforms in China, which also shows a strong association with luxury goods.

Download the full report to discover:

Brand Listings

Which brands out of the four we tracked have the most listings on the platform.

Price Distribution

The average listing prices of the brands and their products.

Collection Analyses

Which specific collections have the most listings and their associated price distributions.

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